Research Analyst SEBI NISM Series XV Certification Module I AM INTERESTED Back
Coaching classes for preparation of SEBI certified Research Analyst Certification Examination covers in depth understanding of research and analysis of data and news analysis. This course will help to prepare for NISM module Research Analyst series XV examination. This cerfication is now a days mendatory for giving advice in mass through sms, email, website, blog, radio, news paper or through media. NIFM have a record of 95% success ratio of getting passed in first attempt of the examination after coaching classes.
Program Highlights: •Researh oriented course specialization in research of stock market, commodity market and forex market training. |
•Program Fee – Rs 25000 + GST |
• Students seeking career as researh analyst or want to became a share market or commodity market advisor or tips provider or want to open a research advisory firm |
What You Will Get: •Certification from NIFM. |
Placement Assistance in broking houses and research advisory companies as research analyst or assistant to research analyst for analysis in equity or commodity market. |
Ch-1 Introduction to Research Analyst Profession
1.1 Primary role of a Research Analyst
1.2 Primary responsibilities of a Research Analyst
1.3 Basic principles of interaction with Companies / Clients
1.4 Important qualities of a Research Analyst
Ch -2 Introduction to Securities Market
2.1 Introduction to Securities and Securities Market
2.2 Product Definitions / Terminology
2.2.1 Equity Shares
2.2.2 Debentures/Bonds/Notes
2.2.3 Warrants and Convertible Warrants
2.2.4 Indices
2.2.5 Mutual Fund Units
2.2.6 Exchange Traded Funds
2.2.7 Hybrids/Structured Products Preference Shares Convertible Debenture & Bonds Indian Depository Receipts (IDRs), Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) and
American Depository Receipts (ADRs) Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) Equity Linked Debentures Commodity Linked Debentures Mortgaged Backed Securities (MBS) and Asset Backed Securities (ABS)
2.3 Structure of Securities Market
2.3.1 Primary market Explain various ways to issue Securities Initial Public Offer (IPO),
Follow on Public Offer (FPO), Private Placement, Qualified Institutional Placements
(QIPs), Preferential issue, Rights and Bonus issue, Onshore and offshore offerings,
Offer for Sale (OFS)
2.3.2 Secondary market Overthecounter Market and Exchange Traded Markets,
Trading, Clearing and Settlement and Risk Management
2.4 Various market participants and their activities
2.4.1 Market Intermediaries – Stock Exchanges, Depositories, Depository Participant,
Trading Member/Stock Brokers & SubBrokers, Authorised Person, Custodians,
Clearing Corporation, Clearing Banks, Merchant Bankers and Underwriters
2.4.2 Institutional participants – Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs), PNote Participants,
Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, Pension Funds, Venture Capital Funds, Private
Equity Firms, Hedge Funds, Alternative Investment Funds, Investment Advisers
2.4.3 Retail participants
2.5 Kinds of transactions
2.5.1 Cash, Tom and Spot trades/transactions
2.5.2 Forward transactions
2.5.3 Futures
2.5.4 Options
2.5.5 Swaps
2.5.6 Trading, Hedging, Arbitrage, Pledging of Shares
2.6 Dematerialization and Rematerialization of securities
Ch-3 Terminology in Equity and Debt Markets
3.1 Terminology in Equity Market
3.1.1 Face Value
3.1.2 Book Value
3.1.3 Market Value
3.1.4 Replacement Value
3.1.5 Intrinsic Value
3.1.6 Market Capitalization
3.1.7 Enterprising Value
3.1.8 Earnings Historical, Trailing and Forward
3.1.9 Earnings Per Share
3.1.10 Dividend Per Share
3.1.11 Price to Earnings Ratio
3.1.12 Price to Sales Ratio
3.1.13 Price to Book Value Ratio
3.1.14 Differential Voting Rights (DVRs)
3.2 Terminology in Debt Market
3.2.1 Face Value
3.2.2 Coupon Rate
3.2.3 Maturity
3.2.4 Principal
3.2.5 Redemption of a Bond
3.2.6 Holding Period Returns
3.2.7 Current Yield, Yield to Maturity (YTM)
3.2.8 Duration and Modified Duration
3.2.9 Convexity
3.3 Types of Bonds
3.3.1 Zero Coupon Bonds
3.3.2 Floating Rate Bonds
3.3.3 Convertible Bonds
3.3.4 Amortization Bonds
3.3.5 Callable Bonds
3.3.6 Puttable Bonds
3.3.7 Payment in Kind Bonds
3.3.8 Principal Protected Note
3.3.9 Inflation Protection Securities
Ch-4 Fundamentals of Research
4.1 What is investing
4.2 Research on businesses or stocks
4.3 Fundamental Analysis Top down approach and Bottom up approach
4.4 Technical Analysis
4.5 Behavioral Finance
Ch-5 Economic Analysis
5.1 Basic principles of microeconomics
5.2 Basic principles of macroeconomics
5.3 Introduction to various macroeconomic variables
5.3.1 National income
5.3.2 Savings and Investments
5.3.3 Inflation (Consumer/Wholesale Price Indices) and interest rate
5.3.4 Unemployment rate
5.3.5 Flows from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)
5.3.6 Fiscal policies and their impact on Economy
5.3.7 General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR)
5.3.8 Monetary policies and their impact on Economy
5.3.9 International trade, Exchange rate and Trade Deficit
5.3.10 Globalization Positives and Negatives
5.4 Sources of information for economic analysis
Ch 6 Industry Analysis
6.1 Dr. Michael Porter’s five force model for industry analysis
6.1.1 Industry rivalry
6.1.2 Threat of substitutes
6.1.3 Bargaining power of buyers
6.1.4 Bargaining power of suppliers
6.1.5 Barriers to entry
6.2 Political, Economic, Socio cultural, Technological, Legal and Environmental (PESTLE)
6.3 Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Analysis
6.4 Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Analysis
6.5 Key Industry Drivers
6.6 Regulatory environment/framework
6.7 Sources of information for industry analysis
Ch 7 Company Analysis Qualitative Dimensions
7.1 Understand Business and Business Models
7.2 Competitive Advantages/Points of differentiation over the competitors
7.3 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis
7.4 Quality of management (including independent directors) and governance
7.5 Pricing power and sustainability of this power
7.6 Organization structure
7.7 Critical business drivers/success factors
7.8 Risks in the business
7.9 Compliance orientation of the company
7.10 Documentation on Guidance v/s Actuals
7.11 Sources of information for analysis
Ch 8 Company Analysis Quantitative Dimensions
8.1 History of Business Vs Future of Business
8.2 Basics of Profit and Loss Account (P/L)
8.3 Basics of Balance Sheet (B/S)
8.4 Basics of Cash Flows
8.5 Contingent Liabilities, Off balance sheet items, Accounting Policies, Notes to Accounts
8.6 Basics of Taxation affecting to Companies
8.7 Important points to keep in mind while looking at financials
8.8 Quality of business in the past through quantitative lenses
8.8.1 Profitability ratios
8.8.2 Return ratios
8.8.3 Leverage ratios
8.8.4 Liquidity ratios
8.8.5 Efficiency ratios
8.9 Peeping in to future with caution
8.10 Peer Comparison
8.11 History of Equity expansion
8.12 Dividend and earnings history
8.13 History of corporate actions
8.14 Ownership and Insiders Sales and Purchase of stocks in the past
Ch 9 Corporate Actions
9.1 Philosophy of corporate actions
9.1.1 Dividend
9.1.2 Rights Issue
9.1.3 Bonus Issue
9.1.4 Stock Split
9.1.5 Share Consolidation
9.1.6 Merger and Acquisition
9.1.7 Loan Restructuring
9.1.8 Buy back of shares
9.1.9 Delisting of shares
9.1.10 Share Swap
Ch -10 Valuation Principles
10.1 Difference between Price and Value
10.2 Why Valuations are required
10.3 Sources of Value in a Business Earnings and Assets
10.4 Discounted Cash Flows model for Business Valuation
10.5 Absolute Valuations vs. Price Value sense
10.6 Earnings based Valuation Matrices
10.6.1 Dividend Yield Price to Dividend Ratio
10.6.2 Earning Yield Price to Earnings Ratio
10.6.3 Growth adjusted Price to Earnings Ratio (PEG Ratio)
10.6.4 Enterprise Value to EBDITA Ratio
10.6.5 Enterprise Value (EV) to Sales Ratio
10.7 Assets based Valuation Matrices
10.7.1 Return on Equity (ROE) based valuation Price to Equity Book Value Ratio
10.7.2 Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) based valuation Enterprise Value (EV) to
Capital Employed Ratio
10.7.3 Net Asset Value approach
10.8 Relative Valuations Trading Multiples and Transaction Multiples
10.9 Sum Of The Parts (SOTP) Valuation
10.10 Other Valuation Parameters in new age economy and businesses
10.11 Capital Asset Pricing Model
10.12 Objectivity of Valuations
10.13 Some important considerations in the context of Business Valuation
Ch 11 Fundamentals of Risk and Return
11.1 Concept of return of investment and return on investment
11.2 Calculation of simple, annualized and compounded returns
11.3 Risks in investments
11.4 Concepts of market risk (Beta)
11.5 Sensitivity analysis to assumptions
11.6 Concept of Margin of Safety
11.7 Comparison of equity returns with bond returns
11.8 Basic Behavioral Biases influencing investments
11.9 Some pearls of wisdom from Investment Gurus across the world
Ch 12 Qualities of a good Research Report
12.1 Qualities of a good Research Report
12.1.1 Rating Conventions Over weight, Under weight, Buy, Sell and Hold
12.2 Checklist based approach to the Research Reports
12.3 A sample checklist for Investment Research Reports
Ch 13 Legal and Regulatory Environment
13.1 Regulatory infrastructure in Financial Markets
13.1.1 Ministry of Finance (MoF)
13.1.2 Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
13.1.3 Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
13.1.4 Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
13.1.5 Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
13.1.6 Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA)
13.1.7 Forward Markets Commission (FMC) etc.
13.2 Important regulations in Indian Securities Market
13.2.1 Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956
13.2.2 Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Act, 1992
13.2.3 Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2015
13.2.4 SEBI (Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices relating to Securities
Markets) Regulation, 2003
13.2.5 Securities and Exchange Board of India (Research Analyst) Regulations, 2014
13.3 Code of Conduct and Ethics for Research Analysts
13.4 Disclosure Requirements for Research Analysts
Career Opportunity
Candidate can became research advisor, research analyst, fundamental analyst in broking houses, fund management companies, portfolio management companies and research houses, .
Candidate should be in 2nd year of graduation or above.