Mock Test Paper of Advance Level NCFM Certification NSE Module Exams Back
Financial Markets (Advanced) Module Financial markets advanced module free online model question paper with answers are surity to pass the exam to get certificate from nse for ncfm course.
Securities Market (Advanced) Module Securities market advanced module question bank with approx 500 questions and answers for online practice of the nse exam of ncfm certification.
Derivatives (Advanced) Module Like derivative market dealers module this is the advace module of derivatives. passing percentage of exam is 60 percent with 25% of negative marking.
Mutual Funds (Advanced) Module Online mock test model practice paper of mutual funds advanced module of nse course for ncfm examination certification for free at nifm institute.
Options Trading (Advanced) Module Free question answer model test exam paper of nse courses options trading advanced module. Exams are counducted by the nse in all over India online.
Equity Research Module For practice of equity research module for free. A certificate course to became a analyst in stock market and share market for analysis of the Indian stocks.