Financial Market Intermediate Level Model Exam Mock Test Papers NSE NCFM Certification Examination Back
Capital Market (Dealers) Module ( NCFM Certification) NSE online course mock exam question paper for capital market dealers module in intermediate level with negative marking like exams conducted by the exchange. complete online model test paper for preparation of the examination.
Derivatives Market (Dealers) Module - NCFM Certification Free online mock test paper for derivatives market dealers module to became a dealer in the broking company. This examination is conducted by the stock exchange of India NSE. Name of the examination and certificatios are NCFM modules.
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Free online mock test with aprox 500 questions of multiple choice with correct answer like the examinations of nse with time duration and negative marking of nse module investment analysis and portfolio manangement intermediate level courses.
Fundamental Analysis Module Fundamental analysis module mock question answer paper free for online practice on NIFM institute. Students need to became a analyst have to clear the nse module of ncfm certification with 60% of marks in 2 hours multiple choice question answers.
Operations Risk Management Module ..........
Options Trading Strategies Module Free practice question answer paper bank for options trading strategies module of nse course module with 500 questions with ansers to get certified for ncfm certification examination. Basics of this course are covered in derivative market.
Insurance Module Like IRDA module for insurance sector NSE has launched a intermediate course module Insurance module. NIFM offers free mock test paper prepare for the examination of nse for ncfm exam. the passing percentage required in this exam is 60%.
Macroeconomics for Financial Markets Module Online practice test paper for macroeconomics for financial markets module of nse is very much in demand. this mock test has 500 questions approx.
Commodities Market Module Commodity maket module exam question paper contains 500 questions for practice. These questions cover complete syllabus of the course and passing percentage is 50%.
Corporate Governance Module Free online mock test for ncfm corporate governance module conducted by Indian top stock exchange nse. 2 hours of exam with 60 question answers.
Technical Analysis Module NSE NCFM Certification 500 questions with answers are available with nifm for practice of online exams of nse certified technical analysis module ncfm certification exam.
Venture Capital and Private Equity Module Mock test model question paper for practice for free available with both question and answers of the exam venture capital and private equity module.